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Massage at home.

Writer's picture: Kelly McAlindenKelly McAlinden

I'm missing my monthly massage sooooo badly. In an attempt to find something to help me out as my shoulders are so tight, I stumbled across these little beauties, I'm going to share them with you.

After talking to one of my clients who sells Avon, I decided to have a little look through the brochure, and tadaaahhhh found lots to help us all out during lockdown. I have tried all of these products out and they are going to be great to help us all with stress and tension in these stressful times, you can also use them in-between appointments with me too.(when I can book you in). Clicking on the pictures below, should take you in to my online secure shop.

First up Head massager £2.50

Reflexology Kit. £10. This kit comes with full instructions, a pair of socks showing reflexology points and a foot roller.

Ceramic Massager £8. Can be used warm (using warm water) or cold (popping it in the fridge)

Self Massager £4 This would also be perfect to take away with you when we can eventually travel.

If you need some oil to use these massage tools with, then I can recommend this one, its a multi use oil, can be used in the bath, for massage, warm oil har treatment etc and is only £4.

Hopefully now you can practice a little self care at home. Any questions, as always send them my way. Hopefully if I've done this right, clicking on the pictures will take you to my shop if you wish to buy.

K x


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